肉: meat; flesh清: unmixed; clear汤: hot water; boiling water无: not have; there is not; be w ...固体: solid body; solid; solidity料×: 7 chi的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...浓汤: pottage; hoosh; puree(肉、菜等的)汤: porridge加有秋葵的浓汤: gumbo混合料的浓度: strength of mix清: Ⅰ形容词1.(纯净) unmixed; clear 清水[汤] clear water [soup]; 天朗气清。 the sky is clear and bright. 这水很清。 the water is quite clear.2.(寂静) quiet 享清福 live in quiet comfort; 这家店铺冷冷清清的, 没有什么生意。 this shop is very quiet; not much business is done.3.(清楚) distinct; clarified 查清事实 check up on the facts; 分清 make a clear distinction; 数不清 countless; 说不清 hard to explain; 问清底细 make sure of every detail; get to the bottom of the matter4.(一点不留) with nothing left; thoroughly; completely 把帐还清 pay up what one owes; 扫清障碍 sweep away the obstacles completely5.(洁净; 纯洁) pure; clean 玉洁冰清 as pure as jade and as clean as ice; pure and nobleⅡ动词1.(清除; 使清洁) clean up 清政治, 清思想, 清组织, 清经济 clean things up in the fields of politics, ideology, organization and economy2.(还清; 结清) settle; clear up 帐清了吗? has the account been settled [cleared up]?3.(点验) count 清一清行李的件数 count the pieces of luggage and see how many there are4.(清理) clear 她清了清嗓子, 唱了起来。 she cleared her throat, and started singing.Ⅲ名词1.(朝代) the qing dynasty (1644-1911)2.(姓氏) a surname 清贤 qing xian固体燃料的: solid reactant汤: 汤名词1.(热水; 开水) hot water; boiling water 赴汤蹈火 go through fire and water; 温汤浸种 hot-water treatment of seeds2.(专指温泉) hot springs3.(食物煮后的汁水) soup; broth 牛肉汤 beef broth; 姜汤 ginger tea; 酸辣汤 sour-pepper soup4.(烹调后汁特别多的副食) soup 鸡蛋汤 egg soup; 三菜一汤 soup and other three courses5.(汤药) a liquid preparation of medicinal herbs; decoction 柴胡汤 a decoction of chinese thorowax root (with other ingredients)6.(姓氏) a surname 汤显祖 tang xianzu 肉: Ⅰ名词1.(人或动物体内接近皮的部分的柔韧物质) meat; flesh 肥肉 fat meat; fat; 牛肉 beef; 肉制品 meat products; 瘦肉 lean meat; 羊肉 mutton; 这肉已变质了。 the meat has gone bad.2.(某些瓜果里可以吃的部分) pulp; flesh (of fruit) 桂圆肉 longan pulp; 果肉 pulp of fruitⅡ形容词[方言]1.(不脆; 不酥) spongy 这西瓜瓤儿太肉了。 the pulp of this watermelon is too spongy.2.(性子缓慢; 动作迟钝) slow moving 肉得慌 so slow as to make one despair固体燃料的碎裂: chipping of propellant魏源 (清): wei yuan昭陵 (清): zhaoling固体材料的绝缘配合: insulation coordination in solid material用固体燃料的燃气轮机: solid fired gas turbine汤 (商): tang of shang汤,菜汤: soup无固相: solidfree禁 肉: la habana肉 (其他): meatball